
Active Health

Inclusive fitness sessions for people who want support keeping active

YMCA plymouth offers a range of gentle fitness session for all abilities. These session are ideal for people who may have medical conditions or are recovering from an injury

Their sessions are equally beneficial for anyone simply looking for a more supportive approach to improving own health & wellbeing and may not be sure where to start.

The sessions are ideal for anyone looking to develop their confidence and skills to maintain a healthy lifestyle, whatever their age, ability or experience.

YMCA Plymouth has over 35 Years of experience providing friendly and personable community health & wellbeing opportunities

Active Health sessions at
YMCA Plymouth

Easy Ride

A fun, low-intensity indoor cycle class for the beginner or for those looking for a more leisurely ride. These classes focus on building confidence and technique on the bike while giving you a great workout which you can adjust to your own pace.

Session time

Wednesday 16:00 pm – 16:45


Move Easy

Helping you move easier and more confidently. This gentle studio-based group fitness class uses functional exercises combined with stretching to improve your mobility, balance and flexibility.

Session time 

Tuesday 16:00 pm – 16:45 


Social Walking

A gentle, sociable way to stay active. Come along and explore the parks and paths of Plymouth while meeting new people. Led by a walk leader, these sessions are perfect for anyone wanting to look after their health in mind and body.

Session time 

Thursdays starting at 11:30 


Gym Active

Gym-based exercise sessions led by qualified instructors and tailored to your needs. These supported gym sessions use a range of gym equipment as well as body-weight exercises, helping to improve your mobility, strength, heart health and more.

Session times

Tuesday 17:30 – 18:30 
Thursday 17:30 – 18:30
Friday 10:00 – 11:00
Saturday 10:30 – 11:30


Pricing Structure

Initial 8 weeks (access to all sessions) – Free (no contract/commitment)

Consultation and plan – Free

Then your next 6 months  £16 per month

Then standard membership price - £24.99 

Term and conditions :  You must be a new customer and cannot have held a YMCA membership in the previous 6 months , and you must be referred via your GP or Health Practitioner ( for self referrals please contact us ). 

Contact us

In partnership with Plymouth Active